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HomeCalendarLisle Early Bird / 17 mi @ 14-16 mph / Vince Gatto

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Lisle Early Bird / 17 mi @ 14-16 mph / Vince Gatto

About this event

Come join us for The Lisle Early Bird. This is a No Drop Ride that starts at the Lisle Police Station on Lincoln Ave., (Rt 53). It is a fun 17 mile loop with some climbs and some downhills that winds through the streets of Lisle and Naperville. We leave at 5:30 AM. It is still dark when this ride starts so lights and reflective clothing are mandatory. We hope to see you there!!!!

Date and Time

Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 5:30 AM until 7:00 AM


Lisle Police Station Front Parking Lot
5040 Lincoln Ave.
Lisle, IL  60532

Event Contact(s)

Vincent Gatto


Bike Ride: 14-16 mph

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
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